Stick it to Mosquitos!

Stick it to Mosquitos!

3SixtyLink now have Mosquito stickers in a number of designs in range.  Effective for 72 hours, the Mosquito sticker can be used on clothing or handbags/backpacks to help in repelling bugs. Using only natural ingredients and available in a number of fun designs, the...
Dishwasher Fragrance Clips

Dishwasher Fragrance Clips

3SixtyLink are pleased to announce that the new dishwasher fragrance clip is now available. The dishwasher fragrance clip is easy to use, simply attach the clip onto the dishwasher cutlery basket or drawer and the clip starts working immediately.  Available in a...
Wax Melt Heaters

Wax Melt Heaters

3SixtyLink have a wonderful range of wax melt heaters now available.  These versatile air fresheners are available in either a plug in version or a stand alone unit.  With stunning designs and utilising a light they make a perfect addition to the family home.  No...
Self Cleaning Toilet Brush Sytem

Self Cleaning Toilet Brush Sytem

SixtyLink are in the final development stages of an innovative self cleaning toilet brush system. With one press the toilet brush is sprayed after every use enabling the brush to be ready with soap for cleaning the toilet.  Each refill allows 250 activations.  The...
Ceramic Topped Rattan Sticks

Ceramic Topped Rattan Sticks

Are you looking for something a little different to the standard rattan stick offer in the marketplace?  If so then look no further than the stunning ceramic topped rattan sticks that 3SixtyLink now have in range. Available in a number of styles and colours the...